Meet the AAAAI Foundation Council
The governance structure of the AAAAI Foundation allows for direct and frequent reporting to the AAAAI Foundation Board of Directors. The members of the AAAAI Foundation Council each have a specific role and lead efforts in Annual Giving, Research and Long Range Planning, Annual Meeting Special Events and Lectureship Fundraising.
Council Chair
Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, FAAAAI
Vice Chair
Sharon B. Markovics, MD, FAAAAI
Chair, Faculty Development Awards
Seema Aceves, MD, PhD, FAAAAI
Vice Chair, Annual Giving
Ulus Atasoy, MD, MA, FAAAAI
Chair, Research and Long Range Planning
Elizabeth J. Phillips, MD, FIDSA, FAAAAI
Vice Chair, Faculty Development Awards
David D. Chaplin, MD, PhD, FAAAAI
Special Events Vice Chair
Justin C. Greiwe, MD, FAAAAI
Chair, Special Events
Basil M. Kahwash, MD, FAAAAI
Chair, Lectureships and Major Gifts
Mary Beth Fasano, MD, MPH, FAAAAI
Chair, Annual Giving
Patricia A. McNally, MD, FAAAAI
Vice Chair, Research and Long-Range Planning
Elizabeth J. Phillips, MD, FAAAAI
AAAAI Secretary-Treasurer
Leonard B. Bacharier, MD, FAAAAI
AAAAI President-Elect
Carla M. Davis, MD, FAAAAI